A warm welcome from our
Headteacher's Welcome
Rosherville Church of England Academy is a smaller-than-average school with delightful children and supportive parents. Our Christian Vision and Values underpin all we live and learn in our school. Faith is central to all we achieve, as is working with our community. We aspire to help our pupils learn about their local and global community so that they develop the skills and knowledge to work both collaboratively and independently to achieve their full potential.
Flourishing through fellowship to Aspire, Believe and Achieve

Latest News
Rosherville Celebrates the Vibrant Festival of Holi
Rosherville celebrated the Hindu festival of Holi this week. The children learnt about the importance of this festival and how it celebrates good over evil. It is a very colourful festival so the children enjoyed...
Year 3 Trip to Gurdwara
Year 3 enjoyed their trip to the local Gurdwara on Tuesday 11th March. We were able to see and learn about some of the key features of the Gurdwara. We showed respect by covering our heads...
Morpurgo Class take a trip to the Chatham Memorial Synagogue
Morpurgo Class - Year 6 - visited the Chatham Memorial Synagogue to further embed their learning of Judaism which is the religion they are studying this term. They thoroughly enjoyed the visit and asked so...
Following the NHS 75th Birthday Artwork Competition held at the school, we were represented by this wonderful group of students, parents and staff at Darent Valley Hospital (DVH) on Friday 30th of June.
It was rewarding to meet the staff and receive recognition, including certificates for the selected artwork which will be displayed in the Children Resource Centre in commemoration of the 75th birthday of the NHS. We are so proud of this partnership with @darent_valley_hospital and hope that it`ll be the first of many. Well done to everyone involved in making it a success!

Following the NHS 75th Birthday Artwork Competition held at the school, we were represented by this wonderful group of students, parents and staff at Darent Valley Hospital (DVH) on Friday 30th of June.
It was rewarding to meet the staff and receive recognition, including certificates for the selected artwork which will be displayed in the Children Resource Centre in commemoration of the 75th birthday of the NHS. We are so proud of this partnership with @darent_valley_hospital and hope that it`ll be the first of many. Well done to everyone involved in making it a success!