Church of England schools are established primarily for the communities in which they are located. We are an inclusive school and serve equally those who are of the Christian faith, those of other faiths and those with no faith. We respect the beliefs of others and expect the same for Christian teachings and our school ethos. We want all our children to have learnt new skills, to have developed their talents and with this a love of learning making them confident, articulate, sensitive, tolerant and caring citizens for the future. Our Christian belief is that the God-given talents of all children should be encouraged and developed, recognising and valuing their unique worth. Above all, we believe in the potential of each child to succeed, recognising that Jesus cared equally for all people, regardless of race, gender or social background.

Collective Worship
As a Church of England Primary School and founding member of the Aletheia Academies Trust (AAT) in the Rochester Diocese, worship plays an integral role in the life of our school.
Day of the Week | Collective Worship |
Monday | Christianity (Rev. G MacBean) |
Tuesday | Christianity (Mrs J Roddan) |
Wednesday | Christianity (Teachers) |
Thursday | Class Worship |
Friday | Celebration Worship (Led by Year 6) |
Special Visitors
Each term Family Trust lead worship, we also have other special visitors come in and lead worship.
We are part of the Diocese of Rochester and Canterbury and you can link to the Diocese of Rochester and Canterbury website by clicking here
Religious Education
Religious Education is taught in accordance with both the Understanding Christianity Scheme and the Kent Agreed Syllabus. RE enables pupils to appreciate their own and others’ beliefs and cultures, helping them to develop a clear understanding of the significance of religion in their own area as well as in the world today.
See our Religious Education page for more information.
Our Church
Rosherville Church of England Primary Academy enjoys close links with St. Mark’s Church. We hold a range of services at the church for Harvest, Christmas, Easter and at the end of the school year for our Leavers; together with family services for each class. Parents are welcome to attend these services. There are also other opportunities for individual classes to visit the church as part of our RE curriculum.
For more information regarding St Mark’s Church please visit their website:

Our School Prayer
This is our school,
let peace dwell here.
Let the rooms be full of contentment,
let love abide here.
Love one another,
love of life itself
and the love of God.
Let us remember,
that as many hands build a house,
so many hearts make a school.