Year 2/3 – Dahl Class

Class Information

Year 2/3 Class Teacher: Miss Foster

Welcome to Dahl Class (Year 2/3)

The children are taught all the main subjects from the National Curriculum. The long-term overview, which can be found below, outlines what is taught and when.


At Rosherville, we take part in ‘RED TED’. This stands for Read Every Day, Talk Every Day. It aims to encourage children to enjoy sharing a book and reading at home as much as possible.

Every child has a reading record. Each time you read at home with your child, hear them read or witness them reading independently, please sign your child’s reading record to show this.

  • Reading record signed = child earns 1 point
  • Each child can earn a maximum of 3 points per week
  • We want every child to show that they have read at least 3 times a week (3 points)

On Friday, the reading records will be checked. Every child’s points will be recorded and teachers will count every child who has read 3 TIMES that week. Teachers will share their class score and the class with the highest score will be the winners for the week and will keep the RED TED bear and trophy in their classroom.


PE is Monday and Friday.
Kit should be brought into school on these days.


Communication with parents will be via Arbor and Seesaw so please keep an eye out for notifications. You will be provided with login details, but please speak to one of us if you have any difficulties.

Seesaw is a useful device for us to send out updates and reminders that are specific to our class. Although there is a messaging tool on Seesaw please contact the office to communicate urgent messages to us as we may not see them immediately.


Our timetable can be downloaded below. Here, parents and pupils have the opportunity to view the class schedule to see the day-to-day routine including the range of curriculum that is covered. We have found that children with SEND have responded well to visually seeing the structure of the day ahead.

Roald Dahl Class Timetable

Terms/Topic Information

Parents will be able to download Knowledge Organiser each term informing them about what the children will be learning.

At Rosherville Church of England Academy, we have introduced ‘50 Things Before I Leave Rosherville Primary’, this helps to give children the opportunity to tick off big items throughout their primary years. The experiences and activities Year Three/Four get to complete include:

#7 Perform in a Musical Event
#14 Play an Instrument
#21 Visit a Zoo
#31 Cook Something

More Infomation about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages.

Roald Dahl Class Long-Term Curriculum Overview

TermScience Knowledge OrganiserGeography/History Knowledge Organiser
1The Gunpowder Plot/Magical Mapping
2Significant Explorers

Useful Parent Resources in Year 3